Wiibroe - Harboe - N.B. Cup | 50th Anniversary Regatta | Viklaliitto onnittelee
Tanskan avoin mestaruuskisa Danish Open on tänä vuonna juhlakilpailu, kun Espergåerde Sailing Club järjestää traditionaalisen Viklakisan nyt jo 50. kertaa! Regatan nimet ovat vaihtuneet vuosien varrella monta kertaa, mutta paikka on aina ollut sama; Espergåerde noin 40 km Kööpenhaminasta rannikkoa ylös kohti Helsingöriä. Nimet Wiibroe Cup, Harboe Cup ja N.B Bryghus Cup saattavat kuulostaa monille suomalaispurjehtijoille tutuilta.
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Alla nykyisen N.B Cupin historiaa
Always in Espergærde and always in the Pentecost - The first Wiibroe Cup was held in 1969.
The idea of establishing the Wiibroe Cup for Snipe Class in Espergærde originated at the closure of the traditional Pentecost Event in Landskrona, Sweden. In the years before, Espergærde Sailing Club had arranged various sailings for Snipe, but when the dates in Pentecost became available, there was a chance to establish an annual return sailing.
Contributing to the initiative was also the great local interest in Snipe dinghy in Espergærde, which resulted in many years of production of the Snipe dinghy through Skipper Snipe by Erling Olsen, later supplemented with mast production. Years later, the tradition of building Snipe dinghy and the production of the mast, continued by Persson Snipe by Jan Persson.
Kjeld Sørensen, an active member with an interest in Espergærde Sailing Club's youth work, who was also employed at Wiibroes Breweries, established the award, the famous beer bar, and also for a long time served Wiibroe beer and soft drinks for the prize ceremony.
The Snipe Class was a big class at this time and the participation number of the Wiibroe Cup was 60 to 75 participants until the start of 1980, where the interest in participation in the event for some reason was decreasing. Espergærde Sailing Club hosted the European Championship in 1980 which was a very demanding task for a small club. Organizers and participants needed a rest after a very busy period.
Interest for the Wiibroe Cup came on and the number of participants was steadily rising over the eighties, not least on the basis of increased participants from Norway and Sweden. The Wiibroe Cup was back with participants in the 60-65 participants in these years.
"Serious Sailing and Serious Fun" in that order, has always been an important part of the Snipe Class and thus also the Wiibroe Cup - Harboe Snipe Cup - N.B. Bryghus Snipe Cup.
The fantastic sailing conditions in Øresund have formed the basis of some exciting sailing competitions and plenty of beer has contributed to the celebration after the sailing.
It has always been prestigious and recognized in the Snip Class, being the winner of the Wiibroe Cup, Harboe Cup or N.B. Bryghus Snipe Cup.
Wiibroe Cup has throughout the years been a qualification for the participation of national participants in European Championships and World Championships, and other countries such as Norway, Sweden and Belgium have used the sailing as a qualifying mission.
Over the years, the Wiibroe Cup - Harboe Snipe Cup - N.B. Bryghus Snipe Cup had participants from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Italy, France, England, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Brazil, USA, Japan and Germany.
Wiibroes Breweries were a loyal sponsor until 2009 where beer production was moved a few years earlier from Helsingør and thus ended the sponsorship.
In 2010, Harboes Breweries took over the sponsorship.
In 2017 we had the pleasure of welcoming Nørrebro Bryghus as sponsor.
Over the years, the sailing has also been supported by other sponsors such as Pilkington Floatglass, Persson Marine, Favør Espergærde Center, DB Marine, North Sails, OL Sealing System and Graphic Solutions.
Throughout the years, Espergærde Sailing Club has drawn on a large group of volunteer assistants who have helped make the event on the water and especially on land.
The sailors owe these people great thanks.
Espergærde Sailing Club takes the opportunity to thank all sailors who have participated in the Wiibroe Cup - Harboe Snipe Cup - N.B. Bryghus Snipe Cup over the years.
We hope that we have performed to your expectations and to the Snipe Class motto and trade mark.
"Serious Sailing and Serious Fun"
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Kisaa on pidetty Pohjois-Euroopan kovatasoisimpana. Lähiaikojen parhaasta suomalaissijoituksesta on saanut onnekseen nauttia tämän jutun tekijä purjehdittuaan 4. sijalle vuonna 2016. Hiuksen hieno vaikutus tulokseen saattoi olla maailmanmestari Alexandre Tinocolla, joka tarjosi valmennuspalveluitaan gastin roolissa.
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