How to avoid a collapsing and SAIL FAST.... Hire a World Champion to coach you | Vikla maailmanmestari tarjoaa koulutuspalveluita...ettei kävisi näin
Tarvitsetko purjehdusopetusta maailman huipulta? Nyt sitä olisi tarjolla. Katso Alexandre Tinocon viesti suomalaisille Viklapurjehtijoille.
Hope everything is going well with you and all the Finnish Snipe fleet
Here is my e-mail address:
Threre are also several Youtube clips available.
Website will be ready soon. Hope you like it and we can do great exchanges for both of us for the future, in Finland, Scandinavia, Europe or wherever we can be together as a team.
If you also know some friend that is needing crew for a Snipe regatta or sailing project in the future you can please contact me.
There are a lot of great Snipe regattas in Scandinavia soon, in Norway and Sweden.
As you probably know I am still living in Den Haag, Holland, so the distance is not much between us, so we can be together easier.
A big hug for you all, Alexandre
pääkuva: Brittipurjehtijat hepskukkuu tilanteessa Tanskan MM:ssä 2011
Muut kuvat: Alexandre Tinoco gastinsa Gabrielin kanssa Tanskassa
päivitetty 4.7.2014 | kaisaarhelo