NorthSails syysalennukset

NorthSails One Design purjeiden edustaja lähetti seuraavan viestin
It is time again for the North Sails autumn campaign. It will be different this year as it will be 14% discount for orders placed between 1st of September and 31st or October. This concerns one design sails. Do not hesitate to stock up for 2021 so order your sails now!
For sails other than one design, please contact us on the mail address below.
Find your sails here:
Contact us for consultation on sails.
A couple of new things are that we can provide custom made ropes for your boat. Do you need any tapered, spliced or other ropes just contact us for a quote. 20 % off normal prices.
North Sails Crew Collection is also available through North Sails One Design Finland. 20% off on these prices as well.
Mobile: +358405104876