Snipe Bulletin
Kansainvälinen Snipe Bulletin -lehti on toiminut Viklaluokan viestinvälittäjänä jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Saat lukea sen netistä, kun maksat Viklaliiton jäsenmaksun ajallaan ( Alla tietoa lehdestä.
The History of the Snipe Bulletin
Communication is the key to keeping the Association growing. What began with posted letters, grew into telex, fax and now the internet. Telephone, mobile phones and now skype, keep our officers and members in great contact. But the main source of information has always been the newsletter.
The BULLETIN, the link which holds the family together, grew out of Bill Crosby’s JIB SHEET which took over Snipe News from the Rudder in 1945. The BULLETIN began as a monthly publication, with a few combined issues– in its 30-year history. The JIB SHEET had one other editor, Chet Miller, SCIRA”S 1942-43 Commodore.
In 1999 the Board of Governors voted to decrease the publication from monthly to quarterly but the BULLETIN has in the past several years, gone to a full color issue. In 1981, a special anniversary issue for the 50th was published. This 75th issue is also a special anniversary issue.
The Snipe Bulletin is published 4 times per year and mailed to all SCIRA members.
The Archive Of Past Editions is sorted by decade at, see link at top tab "Snipe Bulletin Archives", ( Click on the decade and then the file to download/read the issue.
Best of the Snipe Bulletin
Based on Jesse Aronstein’s fleet pamphlet, Alex and Lisa Pline compiled a handbook with articles out previous Snipe Bulletin’s categorized into the various points of Snipe sailing - all written by the experts of the Class. For a copy, see the merchandise section of the website.
uutinen: 2016-01-26 | kaisaarhelo
kuva: Syksyn MM2015 Italiassa. Koko kisaa viimeiseen päivään johtanut Argentiinan Soubie joutui taipumaan brassimiehistölle Tavares-Carvalho.