Kölisääntö vuodelta 2016

Rule 18: Daggerboard: revised, to be used at European Championship
Rule 18 as recently approved by the SCIRA Board of Governors, will be enforced at the 2016 European Championship. Sailors are asked to comply with the following rule:
Note: the 18.
The daggerboard must be restricted while racing in such a manner that no point of the bottom edge extends less than 305mm below the keel. To permit checking the position of the daggerboard while racing a band of min 25mm wide and 250mm long
shall be painted on each side of the daggerboard. The top of the band being even with the surface of the deck at the centerline of the boat while the board is raised on this maximum height. The daggerboard shall be attached to the hull with a non-adjustable single line at all times while racing (unless for a short period for cleaning garbage or seaweed). The safety line shall be fixed in any part of the daggerboard case and fastened with a shackle above the line connecting the lower part of the stoppers on the daggerboard. The maximum length of this safety line including the necessary fittings shall be 600mm from the top of the daggerboard case and the inner part of the shackle pin.
The retaining system shall either consist of a flipping tablet or/and a hook and cutouts on the daggerboard and shall permit the crew to extend the board completely when the boat is capsized without swimming under the boat. Only one board may be used during a regatta unless irreparable damage has occurred. Stripes of any material except carbon or exotic materials may be added on the daggerboard blade or inside the daggerboard case to limit the side movement of the daggerboard.
uutinen: 20160916 | kaisaarhelo
kuva: Zeltic 31260